Monday, May 28, 2012

Our State Religion (or…The Devil’s in the Progressive Details)

In studying apparent trends in our culture, I am very concerned about the direction in which we are headed. It occurs to me that the main objective of the Liberal-left has become the removal our our basic personal freedoms and God-given rights in order to replace them with state granted entitlements, “privileges” and virtue signalling pronouncements. Individual freedoms... in fact individualism itself, is an anathema to them. It seems they would much prefer we all simply become the societal organism and collective mind. Freedom of speech therefore – in a liberal world – becomes freedom to speak in a state defined politically correct manner, so long as it: 

a) doesn’t offend anyone, 

b) pronounces the “truth” as determined by the state, 

c) doesn’t contain any state determined “hate” language, “triggers” or “code” and 

d) meets all other necessary, to-be-determined, state regulations. 

To control individual speech even further, the liberal mind sets aside numerous groups determined by special interest, race, gender and “victim” status. To such groups are granted special status for treatment, politically correct speech and commandeered concepts (such as a redefined view of bullying and hate). All this to insure such special status can never be questioned while any contrarian personal values and views can be vilified. 

The right to worship and freedom of religion (in a liberal world) becomes the “privilege” to decide which church you may attend (if you must) and beyond that, matters of conscience will be determined by the state. Your children are no longer your own because now the state has declared themselves a co-parent and they will determine how the child will be raised, what they must be taught (socially – not just academically) and what they must believe so that they can all one-day become good little socialist liberals. 

What has happened, at this point in our history, to create such a strong embrace of left-wing Marxist ideology? It is my opinion that this move toward socialist liberalism is no overnight phenomenon but has been orchestrated with much planning. The move, to the left, has been accompanied by venomous attacks (on personal freedoms and individual rights) and repeated attempts to demonize a capitalist system that, over the years, has supported a high degree of financial freedom and prosperity. I believe there may be several answers to my question but suspect that a major motivation is the desire to move all power, control and wealth away from the individual and place it in the hands of the state which will then give those in central control an almost god-like power and control. That’s my opinion – what’s yours?

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