If you are anything like me, you must be aware of just how quickly things are happening all around us these days; things that are both interesting as well as alarming. It’s really hard to miss what is now being referred to as the, “New Normal.” If you think back to the summer of 2019, and think about what you were doing at that time…, the folks you were spending some time with or visiting…, the kinds of things you were planning to do…, your goals and dreams perhaps… does any of that come close to the reality you now find yourself in? If you really haven’t noticed or if you think the “normal” we used to have is just around the next corner – just after we meet the next set-by-government metric – you’re still sleeping and it’s time to wake-up!
Over the past year and a half, we all have been manipulated into surrendering, bit-by-precious-bit, essential pieces of our liberty and freedom. In much the same way that free-ranging cattle, destined ultimately for market, find themselves “suddenly” enclosed and milling about in a corral, we now find ourselves in a very similar position. But how did we get here; what did we miss? Well.....back to the cattle in the corral metaphor, consider this; a cattle drive doesn’t actually begin with a lone cowboy charging at a huge herd of free-ranging cattle. Likewise, our current circumstances did not begin with some poor soul getting sick from eating bat-soup over in China. Surely, by now this much at least should be clear.
Rather than rehash a lot of the content from each step along the way, I’d like to take a look at the process… the history leading up to our present predicament. So, long before the Wuhan bat soup story, plans were already in the works for the scenario in which we now find ourselves. Let’s look a little deeper and see if we can connect the dots starting with “Event 201.”
now most folks reading this have probably heard of Event
201 hosted by The John Hopkins Center. Here is a
description (see link for more) “The Johns Hopkins Center for
Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level
pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise
illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary
during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish
large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
- **(editing
note: The web page in question has been edited and altered after this
writer first viewed it and included it in this article.)
Is the fact this event occurred just a couple months before the actual pandemic was declared just a coincidence… or was it a last minute actors meeting and rehearsal before Covid was sent to center stage? Interesting question; but you might want to see how this plays perfectly into the so called “Great Reset” and Globalist agenda here: https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/timeline-great-reset-agenda-event-201-pandemic-2020/.
Did you know that Bill Gates, one of the chief organizers of Event 201, denied the event? I wonder why? But here we read the following:
“In October, 2019 Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who, together with his wife, runs the richest and most powerful foundation in the world, co-organized a simulation exercise on a worldwide corona epidemic. Videos were posted documenting the exercise. But intriguingly Gates now denies such an exercise ever took place.
Why? On April 12, 2020, Bill Gates said in an interview to the BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”
This is the same person who, just six months before the
outbreak of the pandemic, organized a series of four role-playing
simulations of a corona pandemic with very high-ranking participants.
Event 201 was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns
Hopkins University in October 2019.”
**(Find this
quote and the rest of the article at:
Guess what, before Event 201 there were other activities that look
very suspicious and must be considered. In 2015, leaked Chinese
documents discuss a plan for unleashing Corona
- In 2003 the CDC filed a patent for the SARS-Covid virus and it was granted in 2007. How this fact ties into today’s pandemic is being fiercely denied by government sources and much of the drive-by media… but it must be considered. It’s discussed at length in the video “Plandemic II” as seen here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4u7rt61YeGox/
- There is compelling evidence that a patent for a vaccine was filed even before a “pandemic” was declared, suggesting it was being studied even before the virus was released. According to a New York Post article: https://nypost.com/2021/06/04/chinese-scientist-filed-covid-vaccine-patent-after-contagion-emerged-report/
“A Chinese Communist Party military scientist who got funding from the National Institutes of Health filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine in February last year — raising fears the shot was being studied even before the pandemic became public, according to a new report.”
Finally there’s this gem which begs the question, “Is Fauci a
prophet or did he know something was coming just around the corner?”
In 2016, Dr Fauci predicted there would be a pandemic (just like we
are experiencing) before the end of President Trump’s term in
office. https://bestlifeonline.com/fauci-coronavirus-prediction/
**(editing note: It looks like this link has been
taken down and mysteriously can no longer be found. Nevertheless the
above quote was taken from that article when it was available.)
Alright, so most of us were largely unaware and asleep very early on. The stuff I’ve just mentioned went largely unnoticed and was possibly something we cared very little about. I mean, we’ve always believed we live in the best country in the world – right? All these recent social disturbances and periods of growing unease are just wrinkles… right? With the right political leaders and influences, these issues will get all ironed out… right? The radical social manipulation and engineering that we saw progressing right under our noses, was just a normal part of societal growth… right? Countries such as ours, which are built on a system of religious freedom, morals, ethics, and liberty for all, are the very countries now targeted for utter destruction. These are the very countries into which generations of hard working people poured their energy, allegiance and their very blood. The effort to utterly destroy all we are and completely erase our history is just the way civilizations naturally go… right?
The fact is, that for those who study such things, this particular brand of EVIL goes back a long, long time and can be traced through various historic movements and cabals. While most of us have been blissfully unaware, there are those who have been sounding the alarm. Such EVIL is incredibly deceptive, highly calculating, exceedingly determined and very patient. Those pursuing this agenda, battle for the hearts and minds of the populace and know that as those hearts and minds are converted to their cause, there will be very little resistance. The people will naturally follow – even to the point of their own ultimate enslavement.
Think I’m just crazy? OK, forget that and let’s just look at some more facts from the history of this present “pandemic.”
1. My professional training and career for over 34 years was Nursing. This along with my ability to think critically led me to realize shortly after the “pandemic” was declared that things just did not add up. Why? Consider:
- Initial government insistence that what was being reported, from China and other countries where the illness appeared to have spread, was no cause for concern or screening of any kind. Indeed there was active resistance to screen and prevent travellers (carrying the disease) from entering the country. This was very suspicious as was the governmental pronouncements that we had all the necessary medical treatments and know-how to treat this illness. This tactic insured the “virus” got a good foothold and spread within the country. Question: Did the government act too late or did they act according to a script they were given and rehearsed in the Event 201 scenario?
- The near total fiasco surrounding personal protective equipment (PPE) should be studied as to the initial shortages. Were these shortages purposely caused? The Canadian government gave much of our supply away early on. Early shortages of PPE for front line health-care workers led to an entirely predictable increased spread of the pathogen and helped the drive-by media generate even more public panic.
- The media helped turn up the heat within the public by promoting panic and near hysteria. They did this by non-stop 24/7 Covid reports, repeating the same stories over, and over coupled that with “scoreboard reporting” of daily case counts and deaths. Anyone who actually stripped away the panic and studied the reports quickly realized they were rubbish - empty, “nothing” reports. The public who had no point of reference or context for these numbers did not know what to do with them, and this missing context has never been reported. For example, were these numbers high? Were they comparable to other contagious illnesses we see every year? Were the percentages of “positives” low, normal or high when considering total number of tests done?
- Early on, censorship was evident whenever any health care professional spoke out against the official narrative. Doctors and nurses were being shut-down and silenced. I remember watching alternative reports showing nurses speaking out about the blatant mismanagement of patient care. No physical assessment of patients. Improper isolation of identified C-19 patients by placing them amongst those who did not have C-19. Diagnosing patients as positive without a lab result. Coercing doctors to lie on death certificates. The obvious question to all this is, “Why?” Instead of attempting to answer, the consistent response was denial and censorship.
- How about the mask fiasco. (Many places are still in the midst of this one.) Masks are not a new invention, nor is their proper use, or the science behind proper isolation techniques. Yet every principle of this same “science” has been repeatedly violated. There has been inconsistency since day one concerning masks. The initial statements by Fauci were correct... i.e. there is no need for the general public to wear masks. Since then, the way they have been used does absolutely no good and actually can be harmful. These statements have been supported by many disease and epidemiology specialists as well as numerous recent studies. Isolating healthy individuals from society has never been an approved medical treatment or practice – it does not work and has proven to do far more harm than good.
2. OK, Remember these gems?:
- Remember when doctors were removed from social media, their websites were taken down and they were booted from their jobs for speaking about therapies that actually worked? Those included in this purge of information included some Nobel-prize winning scientists, leading medical specialists and peer reviewed published researchers who were suddenly being called quacks. And yet very, very few of their patients died.
- Remember when people were dying of heart disease, cancer, and other disease because they couldn’t get proper care? This was because all anyone was concerned about was Covid?
- Remember when the total yearly death toll was actually LESS in 2020 than it was in 2019? AND the flu along with most heart-attacks just mysteriously disappeared from the statistics.
- How about when businesses were shut down, fined and owners even jailed for trying to make a living – remember that? All the while Walmart & Costco were raking in huge profits.
3. After wading through months of never heard of before restrictions, folks were relieved to finally have plans announced to reopen and see their freedoms returned. Let’s see how that worked out – certainly not as people had hoped.
- Remember watching ridiculous mandates like, “wear a mask into a restaurant, but you can take it off when you’re seated?” Apparently that’s how science works.
- Remember watching an alarming rise in teen suicide… because the lock-downs and isolation from their friends and activities was too heavy a burden for their little souls to carry?
- Remember how our elected officials and politicians seemed to have “rules for thee, but not for me” as they repeatedly got caught violating their own mandates?
- Remember a vaccine being pushed out in less than a year, and without adequate testing? No such thing has ever been approved before. I remember when everyone was shouting from the rooftops that it (the magic vaccine that would save us all) was safe and effective. All the while it was being pushed and promoted by shaming, coercing, and bribing people into getting it. Tactics even included free donuts, burgers, fries, lottery tickets, free dope and all sorts of other nonsense.
- Remember how portions of the vaccine inserts are *intentionally blank* because these are still in clinical trials? Remember also that all the test animals died when they tried to create these same kinds of shots in past trials?
- Remember being made to feel stupid for not getting an experimental gene therapy? At the same time this same therapy had caused the VAERS reporting system to become back logged 3+ months with a flood of reports showing reactions and deaths had already increased 1200%.
- And do you recall when anyone who didn’t comply was labelled a “super spreader, grandma killer” and treated like a leper for not wearing a mask in public?
- Remember how the idea for “vaccine passports” was dropped on the uninformed public? Support for it was then continuously built and promoted (ginned-up, as it were) by the governmental media allies?
Now, let’s get back to focus on the process at work in this pandemic.
At the same time that Event 201 was being held at John Hopkins (October 18, 2019), the 7th World Military Games were being held in Wuhan, China. These ran from October 18 – 27, 2019. Coincidence? Perhaps. This was the first international military, multi-sport event to be held in China and also the largest military sports event to ever be held there. There were nearly 10,000 athletes from approximately 135 nations competing in 27 sports.
So, while the “Center for Health Security,” and partners from the “World Economic Forum,” and the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” were meeting at John Hopkins to discuss and plan impacts of a “world wide pandemic,” the actual pandemic was beginning in Wuhan at the Military Games. A large number of witnesses have come forward to confirm events and illness in the after math of those games. Some reported illness actually began while military personnel were still in Wuhan.
According to Life Site News https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/did-soldier-athletes-returning-from-military-games-in-wuhan-bring-home-covid-19:
“A Canadian soldier has reportedly testified that up to a third of military athletes who participated in the World Military Games in Wuhan, China in October 2019 became violently ill.
The unnamed whistle-blower, who was interviewed by Rebel Media’s Keean Bexte and was identified only as a “senior Canadian Armed Forces member,” said that at the “tail-end” of the games, a lot of the athletes became “really, really, sick” with “lung issues, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea.”
In an article titled, “Did the Military World Games Spread COVID-19?” https://prospect.org/coronavirus/did-the-military-world-games-spread-covid-19/ we read:
“The October 2019 event, held in Wuhan, China, appears to have been a vector for spreading disease in the U.S. and around the world…
…Contrary to the Pentagon’s insistence, however, an investigation of COVID-19 cases in the military from official and public source materials shows that a strong correlation exists in COVID-19 cases reported at U.S. military facilities that are home bases of members of the U.S. team that went to Wuhan.
Before March 31, when the Pentagon restricted the release of information about COVID-19 cases at installations for security reasons, infections occurred at a minimum of 63 military facilities where team members returned after the Wuhan games…
…Athletes who participated from other nations—both U.S. allies like France and Italy and adversaries like Iran—have reported suffering from COVID-19 symptoms. Some Iranian athletes died from COVID-19, including some who were in Wuhan, according to news reports not verified by Tehran.
The Pentagon’s reluctance to test athletes returning from Wuhan was not unique. No other nation’s military appears to have tested their participants in the 2019 World Military Games specifically for COVID-19. French doctors examined their athletes upon their return from the games as part of overall exams.”
The final puzzle piece I want to drop into this tiny part of the picture (that is most certainly much, much bigger) is this:
Have you by any chance heard of “Self-replicating vaccines?”....... No, this is not just some crazy idea I or some other tin-foil hat character have come up with. This is a technology that has been worked on for quite some time now. The following link is a source where you can read the entire article: https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/health-healing/johns-hopkins-on-self-spreading-self-propagating-transmissible-vaccines/
In 2018, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Security, published Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks. (This would be just a year prior to their hosting Event 201)
“Among the technologies discussed in the paper, are "Self-Spreading Vaccines." Vaccines that only need be given to a portion of the population, and are then become communicable between individuals, like a virus…
…Self-spreading vaccines—also known as transmissible or self-propagating vaccines—are genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases…
…Self-spreading vaccines have already been used to protect wild rabbits from myxomatosis and to control Sin Nombre virus in rodent populations.
Additional work is targeting Ebola virus in apes and bats, Lassa virus in rats, and bovine tuberculosis in badgers…
…In the event of a grave public health threat, self-spreading vaccines could potentially be used to broadly inoculate human populations. Like the approach in animals, only a small number of vaccinated individuals would be required in order to confer protection to a larger susceptible population, thus eliminating the need for mass vaccination operations…”
I first learned of this technology and some of the potential uses in a video discussion where Dr. Lee Merritt is interviewed by Mike Adams. Among other things, the idea of self-disseminating and transmitting of specific antigens and spike-proteins (as is the case with the Covid-19 injections) is discussed. This video is located at the following link and is well worth watching: https://www.bitchute.com/video/E9gd8KdVCaek/
By now it should be obvious that this “global health crisis” was never about the health of we the people. It has always been about control and ushering in something else. What exactly? I can’t say for certain… perhaps a “New World Order” of some sort?… ever since day one? Whatever the case, it is being promoted and spoken of quite freely these days.
While the Church Sleeps!!!
Alright, much of the world has been asleep and unfortunately, many continue to slumber. What about the Christian church community? What’s happening there? Are they asleep as well? Well, the answer is complicated – but basically it boils down to Yes… and No. Most certainly many are awake and this is particularly true in some regions and within some groups. Sadly however, this seems not to be the case in many instances, and I fear that far more are asleep than awake. I hope I am wrong.
Far too many within the church have been quick to accept the lies and deceptions from the very beginning “WITHOUT QUESTION” even when it came to ordering the churches closed. Initially this might be understandable… even while liquor stores remained open as did every big box store in the country. However when churches were never allowed to fully reopen – even with the availability of data and evidence proving that such measures were not necessary – far too many within the church were unwilling to review the data or question the authorities. Not only that, many went to the extent of criticizing and condemning those who did. It seems they were sleeping comfortably and didn’t wish to be disturbed or awakened. Others looked to scripture where they proceeded to cherry-pick passages that would seem to support their lack of action.
An oft quoted passage is Romans 13:1, speaking of our obligation to obey those in authority. This principle does not stand alone however, and Christians generally understand there are times when we must stand against the earthly authorities. Scripture is filled with many examples of resisting orders from authority.
My personal question on this topic is directed specifically to those who refuse to look at the validity or unwholesomeness of tyrannical orders and directives. How do you decide if such orders are within the bounds of what you should be following? Do you just assume, “the government said it, therefore it must be true?” If this is the case, you will be among those most easily deceived. We know we face the very greatest of deceivers – he is the one through whom EVIL has continued to grow through ALL aspects of society through ALL generations. Do you delude yourself by thinking his deception for you will come in the form of him challenging some doctrine you believe in? Or do you think that before attempting to deceive you, he will say, “I am now going to try to deceive you – get ready.” No, it’s called deception precisely because it works so well. In fact Matthew 24:24 talks about how effective the enemy can be with his deceptions.
I will end with two more links which serve to make this point. In this link https://pastorwagner.com/blog-we-ought-to-obey-god-rather-than-men/ Pastor Wagner writes:
“We are living under tyranny because the churches, who should have been holding up the banner of truth and freedom for others to see and follow, failed in their duty because of fear of a virus and tyrants. As Pastor Stephens said, “When the church is free to promote the good news of Jesus it will lead to freedom in the entire society. When you look at a society and there is a free church, there will be a free people.”
Some have made the argument that the Bible gives examples of quarantining people to stop the spread of an infectious disease, so therefore churches are obeying God when they shut down because of the decrees of public health departments. There is just one little problem with this argument: the Bible commanded the quarantining of sick people, not healthy people!
“If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days:” (Lev 13:4)
I’ve heard preachers say that this was not a hill they wanted to die on. If we are not willing to die on this hill, then which hill are we willing to die on? What we have experienced for the last year is the greatest assault on churches that we have seen in this country in our lifetimes, and probably since the 17th and 18th centuries before the founding of our republic when Baptist churches were still being cruelly persecuted by protestants in this land. Churches have literally been forcibly closed, had their assembly sizes dictated to them, and been forced to wear coverings over their faces which dehumanize us and do nothing to stop the spread of a virus.”
The second link is from Life Site News in a piece titled, “Christians must resist all COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s why” (https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/christians-must-resist-all-covid-19-restrictions-heres-why)
In this piece, among other things the author writes is this:
“Many people violated Nazi law in order to save Jewish lives: the ten Boom family, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Oskar Schindler, Irene Sandler, to name only a few. I’m not saying we should be able to pick and choose which laws to obey, but when the law is clearly anti-life, we have a duty to push back.
Given God’s overwhelming affirmation of life, can Christians do anything less than value life and resist anything that compromises human life, in all its forms?”
And now I will quote the authors conclusion and let it be my conclusion as well:
In the very beginning of the “COVID crisis,” I kept saying that the numbers didn’t add up. Either things were much worse than we were led to believe, or they weren’t nearly as bad. Lockdowns, followed by mask mandates, followed by talk of vaccine mandates, convinced me that COVID-19 was not as serious as the government pretended, but that the response was going to be much worse. I was proven right. I don’t know why there is so much pressure for everyone to receive the jab: rewards, threats, coercion. Why do all of that if the jab is truly safe and effective? In fact, if it’s effective, then why worry about those who don’t get it?
And I guess that’s my big question. Why? The possible answers scare me, and they should scare every thinking person on the planet.”
Well researched and written, Roger.
ReplyDeleteTruth is truth. You cannot have a (valid) opinion about truth.
It is.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Ancient Writings advise of cataclysmic, horrifying increases in earthly disasters yet to come.
Evil knows no bounds.
And Ancient Writings also assure that: “...those who are watching and waiting” be removed from the midst of it.
You have put a: “... the trumpet to your mouth”
Will it be said also that the: “...people perish(ed) for lack of knowledge?”
That they “did not pick up arms and answer the call to battle?”