Monday, March 1, 2021

What if... (part 2)

In early April last year, I wrote an essay about the 2020 C-19 pandemic titled “What if...” Now, over ten months later, I’m more convinced than ever that I was on the right track. “What if,” has proven precisely the right question to ask. What if everything that has happened since late 2019 was deliberate? What if all the misery and death was not the result of some disastrous plague, resulting in an unfortunate “pandemic,” that fell unexpectedly upon the earth? What if we’re really NOT all in this together (as some like to suggest)? What if all this has been deliberately planned and carefully orchestrated? Back in April of 2020, I simply could not have imagined just how dark and evil this whole thing might be – if it was indeed planned.

In my first essay on this topic, I countered the myth/lie which is that the virus somehow escaped from a wet market in Wuhan China. It seemed to me that this Wuhan virus was far more likely to have been specially created in a laboratory… but for what purpose? At the time I pondered: “What if the reason the Chinese were so quickly able to determine the causative virus was because they already knew where it likely came from and already had information on it from their ongoing studies? What if their insistence for proposing it all came from Patient zero at a nearby market, and all their subsequent actions were part of a cover-up - all to give them plausible deniability?”

I’ve noticed since very early in 2020, China has been consistently “leading the choir” with the rest of the world following meekly along. China’s communist party has been the entity directing the course of every step in the pandemic dance and has been in the driver’s seat throughout its course. In numerous ways, China has been centrally involved with all stages of the Covid-19 journey. China has controlled the course of the journey: beginning with the development and outbreak, to identifying and selectively sharing information, continuing through the acquisition of “personal protective equipment,” and on to method selection for “testing” and case identification. Even recommended treatments and vaccine sourcing have been greatly influenced by this communist regime.

China (which has no regard at all for human rights or freedoms) led with the lock-downs, the so called “social distancing” and isolation and let’s not overlook indiscriminate, mandated masking (dare I suggest muzzling?). The outcomes of following all these measures resulted in the squashing of numerous basic freedoms. These rights and freedoms have been valued by democracies throughout the western world; freedoms such as free speech, free assembly and freedom to move about. Not surprisingly, led by a scripted and determined media effort, almost all the rest of the world followed suit of government imposed tyranny. With very few exceptions, China has clearly been in charge. Resistance to these imposed measures has, almost universally, been brutally and relentlessly targeted with the intent of totally silencing, de-platforming and destroying all who refuse to mindlessly go along.

Led by a persistent, relentless media effort, fear and paranoia have been whipped up to a near ‘stampede’ like intensity. Report after report and dire prediction after dire prediction (all from supposed experts) have been broadcast multiple times per hour throughout the past ten months. Dire warnings and prognostications by these “experts” continue telling us that millions of our fellow citizens are going to die and that our hospitals will collapse and fail within months.

All these predictions have been based on very flawed modelling. This fact was pointed out very early in the process. Every prediction has been miles off the mark and the reality has been nowhere near as serious as the repeated dire warnings. The intent, it seems, has always been to promote fear – never to report the truth and/or simply provide information.

Despite the obviously faulty prognostications, the daily paranoia-generating reports persist. Since the very beginning, we’ve been told the only path to safety was (and remains) the near absolute government management and control of our freedom. Many governments removed or severely limited access to the various tools we depend on for self-governance in a free society. Tools which normally provide a system of checks and balances on government power, and which allow for the various forms of citizen challenges and redress, have been rendered either unavailable or inaccessible. Courts were closed or severely restricted, legislatures were shut and power was transferred to cabinet level decision making.

Non-elected bureaucrats were given unimaginable power and sway over everyday citizen activities – and no means to effective challenge was available or permitted. We were then witness to the removal of many of our most basic rights and freedoms as we were forced into various national ‘house arrest’ schemes. We were assured this was absolutely necessary and if we relinquished those rights for just a couple weeks, we would “flatten the curve” thus insuring our own relative safetyAND such would be necessary before we might return to “normal.” (The implied threat must not be overlooked and was included for anyone just wanting life to return to normal.) Those 2 weeks to “flatten the curve” never ended but turned into a lengthy, unending series of excuses about why our freedoms should not be fully returned. At this point no one can clearly state what the goal is, in order for those freedoms to be returned. Quite simply, we were – and continue to be - lied to.

So, after stealing away the citizenry's basic civil and constitutional rights, those pushing this unwholesome narrative proceeded to dangle those rights in front of us all, promising to give them back only if we agreed to do everything we’re told. By this, I’m reminded of the schoolyard bully who steals a child’s hat and then taunts them with it. Of course, added to this strategy was the good old slogan “we’re all in this together.” This shallow slogan was yet another lie; indeed, some ended up paying the highest price possible while others made out like bandits acquiring unimaginable profits and assets. Others lost everything they owned.

Various participating governments unilaterally picked the winners and losers while deciding who would bear the bulk of cost for their ordered lock-downs. Perhaps such decisions were driven by the fear of a backlash from a panicked public – or simply in response to those controlling them from behind the scenes. One segment of society (most of whom were from workers in the public sector) were paid to stay home and do nothing, while others (declared essential) had to continue working for their income. One can only imagine the problems this might produce in the long term. The workforce was thus fractured in several significant ways.

But of them all, small business was picked to be the biggest looser and bear the brunt of most of the cost. Restaurants, small service orientated businesses such as hair cutting shops, and various other small retail shops were ordered closed. The businesses themselves were stripped of their ability to generate revenue; while the costs of running the business continued unabated and without relief (costs such as rent, staff wages, bank loans, materials and equipment maintenance etc) the owners were left with insufficient income to survive. Caught in such an impossible squeeze, survival itself dictated the first to go were the employees and soon to follow would be the business itself.

The government ordered shut-down was soon reinforced by a frightened public that were sufficiently prepared by the media to demand more and more restrictive measures in the mistaken belief this was the only way to save themselves. AT this point, believing the relentless narrative, many in the public were convinced they faced a most terrifying and deadly pandemic. Many who are displaying this irrational fear have gone on to develop a paranoia of healthy human interaction and will run from the presence of another person who appears anywhere close to them in an unmasked state. Contrary to their irrational fear, the survival rate, should one contract Covid, is better than 99%. Such fear puts me in mind of a five year old child's fear of the boogie man. At this point, it is note-worthy, that the major division for ending the lock-down of society, is between those with an income and those without. For many, science has long since flown out the window to be replaced largely by chaos, panic and paranoia.

So, if what has happened was somehow designed, the question is obviously, “why, and to what end?” I think that to answer this question (at least in part) we need to look at actual winners and losers, gains and losses. On the political front, one obvious outcome is the massive changes made to voting, coupled with the removal of the normal safeguards, in the 2020 US election. The Democrats were able to effect enough voting rule changes to ultimately obtain the results they were planning for.

During this same period of time, there was a nearly unchecked crusade of rioting, burning, looting and massive destruction. This activity is coupled to the embrace and growth, of the socialist/communist movement. Thriving economies were brought to a grinding halt (not just in the USA but in most other thriving world economies). There has been the near elimination of a great many small businesses and a sizable portion of the middle class have also vanished into near poverty. Large parcels of once valuable business properties were vacated, burned or otherwise made easily obtainable for wealthy globalist interests. Huge multi-national business thrived - gobbling up that which small business had lost - making huge profits and gains that had never heretofore been obtained. Companies like Costco, Amazon and Walmart made out like bandits while small businesses, offering the same goods and services, were ordered closed. For more in depth reporting on these activities and evidence describing events in much greater detail than I’ve included in this short essay, I strongly suggest checking out the following links:

“Planet Lockdown” with Catherine Austin Fitts:

“Why I Support Anti-Lockdown Protests” - Dr. Colin M. Barron

Another government selected winner would be ‘big-pharma’ and their vaccine industry. Throughout this “pandemic” quite a few reasonably priced treatments and medications showed great promise in helping afflicted individuals get safely through their period of illness. Some treatments are supportive, some preventative and some curative. All such therapeutics have been either ignored, downplayed, denied or forbidden. Doctors are threatened with censorship if they speak out and they are forbidden to use some agents at the expense of loss of their license. At no time has there been any real concerted efforts to treat and cure the illness and all the effort has been placed on obtaining a vaccine. The public has been led to believe it’s either the vaccine or else remain locked-down and isolated.

Of course the vaccines appeared in record time and were approved for use - without sufficient testing - on an “emergency,” experimental basis. The companies and backers of these experimental biological agents stand to make monstrous profits. Sadly, such profits may, and likely will, come at a very high human cost. The eugenics groups, on the other hand, may be very satisfied with the results.

Personally, I have never believed the narrative we've been hearing. None of the measures taken for this virus make any sense. To be clear, I do believe there are pathogens involved, certain risks are real, and some people have diedunfortunately that's all true. However the overall death rate - from all causes - has not risen in 2020 from what it was for the previous five years according to CDC statistics. This clearly flies in the face of any “pandemic” claim. Quite simply, THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

Speaking as a nurse with over 30 years working in different hospital and health care settings, I have seen how infectious diseases are supposed to be handled and how PPE is supposed to be used. I've also been aware of far more serious diseases and viral outbreaks that have never been used (and used is the correct term here) used to promote such a bizarre agenda and accompanying treatment approach. The wholesale loss of freedoms (assembly, speech, religious liberty, informed consent etc) makes no sense at all for a virus that is not all that lethal. If I caught it now, the odds of my survival are better than 99%. We simply don't crash whole global economies for something like this.

Moving forward from just a year ago, the picture takes on an eerie look - somewhat like the one dismissed as mere conspiracy at that time. We don’t have one body yet controlling all nation states – but there seems to be an ever increasing push toward it. We are hearing about, “The Great Reset” along with the “Build Back Better” mantra – all actually contained within a globalist playbook. And we must consider also the push toward a single global currency.

So then… I wonder… Have the dark forces succeeded and the stampede begun…? What If?

                                                                                    Written by Roger Hild                                                                                                               

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