It has now been more than four years since the Covid “Pandemic” was declared. During that time, I wrote quite a bit about things as they were happening. In the aftermath of Covid, and the resulting outcomes, I believe now is a good time to assess and evaluate some of the results we’re left with. Whatever the intentions might have been going into this created crisis, (I would call it engineered chaos) the outcomes have been mixed. Not all that we are left with could have been fully anticipated. Both intended and unintended consequences have emerged as a part of the so called, “new normal” that we heard about in year one and are now seeing.
Personally, I believe that in the aftermath of the Covid chaos, many of our personal relationships, as well as trust in most of our public institutions, suffered the greatest amount of damage. Among our citizenry, more and more people now view many of our country’s institutions with cynicism, scorn and disbelief.
As I highlight just a few of these institutions and outcomes, I am not for a minute suggesting we should abandon them or in some way cut them out of our lives. I believe it is up to us to confront these issues with courage and determination while we make the effort to root out the corruption and evil. It is up to us to put forth the effort to make, address, and improve the situations we find ourselves in. Things do not get better on their own or by us simply waiting for someone else to do it. So, with that in mind let’s start with:
Government: Many people were already quite skeptical about the motives and agendas at work in all levels of government. However, with what we witnessed over the past four years, it is becoming much more evident that our governments are largely corrupt. An unelected bureaucracy has been shown to have far too much power and control over what actually happens in our day to day operations. Many of those elected (and unelected) who are called to serve, have been shown to be far more interested in power, prestige and personal gain whilst they serve foreign agendas and masters. The interests, will, and voices of we the people are being largely ignored.
There are some good and faithful people within government who have not sold out to the globalist influence. I believe we should continue to work with those folks to resist organizations such as the “World Health Organization” and “World Economic Forum.” Governments can improve and be made more responsive and accountable; it is up to us as citizens to work towards that end. However, it is foolish to place all one’s hopes and faith in government to solve all the problems we face. It is God alone to whom our hope and faith must go if we are to recover from the mess we are in. As history has repeatedly shown us, government without God will always fail in the end.
Press (all mainstream media): Even before the pandemic, it was becoming obvious that the media was selective about what they would and would not report on. As well, it was usually clear what slant the media would place on the story. Far more people began to really wake-up when the government funded media became the obvious mouthpiece for the fear-generating, government-coordinated, Covid narrative. Media, claiming to be following the science, were frequently caught reporting lies while helping suppress the reporting of actual research (medical experts and data that would have shut down the whole scam years earlier). The outcome for the media is that fewer people than ever have any confidence in the main “news” sources and often are left in the position of not knowing what to believe.
Justice system (courts and police): Early on, as governments were busy ordering everything closed and seeking to impose a state of near house-arrest on we the people, the police were heavily relied on to enforce a state of near tyranny. Police, whose first duty is to country, have sworn an oath to uphold the constitution and the rule of law. They are supposed to have the authority to act independently of political or government influence in carrying out those responsibilities (rather than being politically governed) However, they were increasingly seen as nothing more than hired muscle used to enforce corrupt government dictates. Numerous videos were shared on alternate, non-government funded media, of police brutally swinging clubs, bullying and, arresting average citizens for protesting and resisting illegal bureaucratic mandates and orders.
Many police were also disturbed by what they were seeing from fellow officers but, in many cases, their voices were silenced with internal punishments. Many left the police forces voluntarily and others were dismissed. Even so, a great many still succeeded in getting their concerns and condemnations of brutality, heard.
In the meantime, as this all was happening, those who wanted to challenge the legality of the tyrannical “laws” could not do so. All the fines, threats and enforcement of obvious violations to our constitution and “Charter of Rights,” went largely unchecked because tools for this very purpose were rendered unavailable. Access to the courts was almost fully curtailed because of the government ordered lock-downs and closures of offices and so many businesses. Once the courts finally opened, many of those cases were thrown out or dismissed; however it became quickly evident that the courts were not willing to find against the government in any constitutional challenges – even with the acknowledgement that certain orders did “technically” violate the Charter.
The outcome of this is that a great many people have lost most of their trust and respect for the police forces in this country. Many are far more wary and suspicious of the police in any interactions we may have with them. Also, at this point, confidence in the court system has greatly suffered. Overall, the whole justice system is in question as to it being trustworthy.
Democracy (basic Rights and Freedoms): Not so very long ago most of us held the collective belief that we live in a free country with certain fundamental, basic and inalienable rights. Further, we know these rights to be granted by God and NOT bestowed upon us not at the pleasure of the state; this (charter/constitution) is the highest law of the land. We believed the courts were in place to insure adherence to that law by both citizen and government alike. We believed we, the citizens, selected our leaders – our government – to represent first and foremost those who elected them to be our representatives. In our democracy, the elected are supposed to be fully accountable to the people and in that capacity, work toward the best interests of our country.
These past few years has seen possibly the greatest erosion of confidence in our system of governance than anything else for a very long time. All those beliefs we collectively held and outlined in the above paragraph, have been exposed for the illusion they have become. We have witnessed government leaders caught in outright lies as they pushed the Covid narrative that benefited no one except their friends in “Big-Pharma.” We’ve seen many of our elected representatives set aside our interests in favour of the globalist agenda and for the first time we began to hear more and more about a “controlled opposition.”
We saw our “free speech” censored, legislated against and “de-platformed.” We saw our religious freedom illegally restricted, harassed and church leaders and congregants persecuted. We saw our freedom to move about our country and travel, squashed. We saw our government completely unresponsive and unwilling to speak with a peaceful convoy of tens of thousands of truckers and others - representing millions of citizens. This peaceful group sat patiently and peacefully at the doorstep of our democracy waiting for our elected government to speak with them. Instead, the government responded with declaring the “Emergencies Act” (the successor to the “War Measures Act”). The government then went on to seize bank accounts without warrant or due process and sent in black-suited, unidentifiable, night-stick-swinging, police squads to beat-up and bully the gathered crowds.
In fact, I believe that what allowed all the
outcomes I’ve listed, was the complete failure of our democracy.
Huge numbers of people have come to be highly skeptical and
untrusting of our so called, ‘democracy.” This is especially so
after we’ve watched the governments moving further and further away
from the interests and voice of the people. We’ve watched them
disregarding the rules and laws by which our very country has
established the basis for our governance – our constitution and
charter of rights and freedoms.
Finally, two years after all the damage was done, a federal judge
ruled against the imposition of the “Emergencies Act.”,consideration%2C%E2%80%9D%20stated%20Federal%20Court%20Justice)
Associated closely with the concept of our Democracy is the idea of equality. All of us are said to be equal under the law with respect to our basic Rights and Freedoms. The Covid mandates saw the creation of essentially a second class citizen category with the governments introducing a class division between those who accepted the jabs and those who declined them. This division later became the actual basis for official papers/documents called, “Vaccine Passports.” Large numbers of fellow citizens endorsed this discriminatory practice which allowed them to eat in restaurants and travel more freely. Those without the passports had to remain outside restaurants and their travel was greatly restricted.
Despite our undisputed sovereign ownership of our own body and the absolute right to accept or refuse medical interventions based on “Informed Consent,” governments allowed and even encouraged these measures. The idea was to coerce the unwilling into compliance. While these measures were supposedly for the “public safety” during Covid, it was anticipated they might/could be kept in place. Vaccine passports could very easily become passports for compliance with any government dictate.
Economy: People have had numerous concerns about the economy long before Covid and I won’t even try to mention them all here. However we (the citizens) did have enough confidence in the economy to invest in it. We did this by working hard and using the money we earned as currency. We purchased goods and services from each other; we also used our earnings as we built “nest eggs” and saved something for retirement. Over the past few years we’ve seen the economy all but destroyed and confidence in it has severely eroded.
So how does one go about causing such damage to a once thriving and vital economy? To do to our economy that which we’ve seen done, one must be either completely incompetent or totally corrupt… either an idiot or a crook.
If I were running for public office and stated my economic plan as follows, I don’t believe there is any chance I would get elected:
1. Small business is the backbone of our economy and provides hundreds of thousands of jobs. Therefore, we propose to order small businesses closed and workers stay home.
2. All workers who we arbitrarily deem as non-essential, will not be allowed to do their jobs – we will pay them to stay home.
3. Since we don’t actually have the money to pay non-productive workers, we will just print as much as we decide we want.
4. We will add such a tax and regulation burden to your energy costs that all other necessities such as food and shelter will become more and more difficult to obtain.
5. We will print so much money that it will inflate away much of your savings and the security you thought you had. *Note: The only difference between the government printed money and counterfeit currency is who is printing it – the paper itself is equally worthless.
6. We will work toward generating a cashless society using government- controlled digital currency which we have full access and control of. With this digital credit system, we will be able to affect social change according to our desires.
7. You will come to own nothing and be happy.
No one with such a platform would get elected or in any way be trusted to oversee the economy of a successfully functioning and productive country. Yet, what could not be achieved in the normal course of events was easily achieved by the tactical insertion of fear in a created pandemic scenario. And this didn’t just take place in our country, major economies in numerous countries followed the same Covid narrative to achieve much the same results. Yes, it is easy to see why very little confidence remains in the economy.
Food supply and Big Agriculture: During Covid, we first became aware of the vulnerability of the, “supply chain.” On the shelves of our local supermarkets, readily available items we were accustomed to purchasing were suddenly unavailable or in short supply. Over the intervening years, we’ve witnessed food prices double and triple. Reasons for this range from supply chain issues at the beginning and run the gamut: shortages, skyrocketing energy and delivery costs, the attack on farming practices (with attempts to shut down small farmers), the attack on meat production and multiple fires at some of the food production plants. The one constant behind all these factors is local government policies that seem to support the globalist stated agenda. I think it is fair to say that people’s confidence in the stability and affordability of the food supply is shaky at best.
Big Tech: As people become more and more dependant on computers, smart phones, and Google for obtaining the information they seek and for maintaining contact with others in cyber space, the trustworthiness of Big Tech comes into question. With the onset of Covid, many became much more aware of the fact that the information they sought was being controlled and their privacy was rapidly diminishing via the apps they were using. The technology they had come to rely on was highly capable of tracking and manipulating them.
It was not all that long ago that the phrase “Google it,” entered our everyday conversation. As people began to realize the wealth of information and data that was available, literally at their fingertips, they began to rely on big tech to supply the bulk of the information they sought. Just prior to Covid, folks were beginning to suspect their searches for information were being hijacked and information was being vetted. Some big tech platforms were found to be filtering information so as to weigh more heavily in favour of desired narratives and some information was being hidden altogether. We were starting to hear about logarithms being manipulated to control the outcomes of various searches. Once Covid became firmly established, this manipulation of information became widely known and very obvious with countless examples of censoring, de-platforming, tracking and increasingly unreliable search engine results.
When you think about it, what was happening was these big tech companies were becoming information brokers. The actual independent publications, news sources and reports were at one time considered as primary sources. People sought these sources out through going to libraries, subscriptions and collaboration whilst doing actual research. These primary sources were moved to secondary source status as big tech and their search engines became more and more seen as primary source.
For an example of this kind of manipulation, I will compare Google
(the main search engine most people use) with Yandex (used widely in
Europe as a reliable alternative to Google). I searched a question
related to sudden deaths following Covid jabs and initially I used
the same wording on each search engine. Regardless of how I asked the
question, Yandex produced page after page of relevant results and
articles with links to studies; Google did not. For example, here are
a couple articles that showed high up on the first page of Yandex.
“COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern
Hemisphere,” by Denis G. Rancourt, PhD; Marine Baudin, PhD; Joseph
Hickey, PhD; Jérémie Mercier, PhD.
This groundbreaking study has revealed that 17 million people died
worldwide after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out to the public.
Instead of garnering worldwide attention with calls for an immediate
cessation of all Covid vaccines, it has been censored.
This study did not show up at all in the Google search and only came up when I directly Googled the article by it’s title. The rest of the Google results that came up with the article were all “fact-checker” type reports (like one would find on Facebook) designed to slander or in some way discredit the article in question.
2. The second article is, “Study Finds Number of Athletes Who Have ‘Died Suddenly’ Has Increased by 1700% Since COVID Vaccination Began. Full List of Athlete Deaths,” Here the author highlights an investigation of official statistics that found the number of athletes who died suddenly between the beginning of 2021 and April 2022 rose exponentially compared to the yearly number of deaths of athletes officially recorded between 1966 and 2004.
“The monthly average number of deaths between January 2021 and April 2022 was 1,700% higher than the monthly average between 1966 and 2004, and the current trend for 2022 so far shows this could increase to 4,120% if the increased number of deaths continues, with the number of deaths in March 2022 alone 3 times higher than the previous annual average.”
The experience in finding this article on Google mirrored that of my searching the first article. Regardless how I asked the question on Google, the articles (including to government web sites) stressed the safety and would have some version of, “Death rates from Covid lower in those who have had the Vaccines.”
Big Tech has reached the point where we should be very careful – even highly skeptical - due to how the platforms are being used to control and manipulate information. A great many of the platforms are becoming nothing more that Government propaganda and control centers. In fact the Canadian government has now given itself regulatory control over what “news” can be reported on line.
Medicine: Prior to Covid, an individuals doctor was likely one of the people they trusted most within their community. After Covid, I believe that status of trust has been severely damaged and for many the statement is simply no longer true. It is a fact that many doctors and nurses did speak out against the measures and mandates. Many lost their jobs and in some cases they lost their license to practice. However, I think it fair to say the majority went along (whether they personally agreed or not) and did as they were told. To insure the compliance of their members, the professional bodies such as the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the College of Nurses ordered their members compliance with the government narratives. Instead of placing the needs and concerns of their patients first, they had to first consider the demands of the government and mandates of their professional licensing bodies. Patients could no longer be certain if their doctor was giving them their best professional advice/opinion or if they were simply repeating what they had been ordered to say.
Big Pharma: I believe I can safely say the reputation of Big Pharma, which has always been suspect and tarnished to some degree, has sunk even lower. These are the folks that have been seen by more and more folks as the ones driving much of the narrative and the mandates. These are the ones who stood to gain the most from the massive shift of wealth which was facilitated by the pandemic. Time and again they have been caught manipulating, “the science,” cooking the data and suppressing studies whose outcomes they don’t like. This is the lobby that is doing as much as it can to completely control healthcare while attempting to shut down all alternatives to treating health issues.
Big Eva: There has been a concerted effort by the political left and their “woke” ideology, to infiltrate evangelical Protestantism as part of their social engineering agenda. The reasons for this are simply that this single group represents a significant portion of the population and is therefore a very large voting block. Significant sums of money and effort have been strategically invested to this end and with significant success. Over the years we have watched the leadership in Big Evangelicalism, adopt more and more liberal/progressive positions.
A number of Christian writers and speakers have been warning the church about this as they continue to sound the alarm. Megan Basham is one such person and her talk, “How the Left Stole Evangelicalism” is well worth watching if you are interested in more detail on this subject (
Once Covid hit, these high profile, influential, evangelical leaders were tasked with promoting the Covid narrative within the various evangelical circles. In a fashion similar to the “wolf in sheep's clothing,” they were used to tie our Christian duty to compliance with the mandates. This they did by relying on the level of status and trust they held within the evangelical movement. Some even went so far as to suggest compliance could be considered as part of the gospel message! As the Covid jabs became available, these same “leaders” were used to promote and encourage wide and willing acceptance of them. This tactic was used (quite successfully in many instances) in order to eliminate “vaccine hesitancy” within the larger group.
Local Churches: It is very hard to say for certain how many churches complied either partially or fully with all the mandates. However, it is safe to say that a huge majority did (initially) close and encouraged compliance among their congregants. A much smaller number, to the best of their ability, remained open and active as they attempted to continue trying to meet the needs of their community. Many more closed down initially and then reopened as soon as they could; once they began to wake-up and had more of a handle on what they were really dealing with. Some churches remained closed throughout the years and some will not reopen at all.
One of the dynamics that was clearly on display, throughout the various church groups, was division and strife. The lack of communication and consideration amongst the Christian brothers and sisters was reflected in bitterness and anger. This strife was between those who believed what they were hearing daily on the “news” and viewing those who did not as selfish, conspiracy theorists. Those who did not believe were the folks who chose to research sources other than those that were being spoon fed to the public.
In many ways, this division remains within many of the congregations and now that churches are open once again, the changes in people are quite noticeable. The discussions, which I think need to be had, are not yet happening as congregations attempt to return to “normal.” It’s as if the desire is to pretend nothing happened – let’s just forget about it all and move on. However, church (among other things) is about fellowship and relationships – when those have been damaged, there needs to be acknowledgement, repair and forgiveness. This, as I see it, is the “elephant in the room.”
One wonders if this attack on the church followed by the divisiveness that now remains, does not also qualify for a, “what if...?” What if this was one of the desired outcomes by some?
Personal Relationships, Friends and Families: Never before have people been so successfully isolated as they were during Covid. The successful propagation of fear, promoted by a steady stream of lies, led many to a fear and mistrust of all others. Continuous masking and “social distancing” (both foolish and useless) were successfully imposed because many folks were convinced that even healthy people could unknowingly or secretly be sick and contagious; therefore trust no one! People were left to die alone in hospitals, nursing homes and senior residences. Many were convinced that even the most important family times, such as Christmas, should be celebrated with only those living in the same home. Neighbours were turned against neighbour as they were encouraged (and complied) with tattling on each other.
In much the same way as the church family became divided and bitter, relationships within the community between friends and family suffered as well – and for much the same reasons. Many of these relationships are still fractured and without active attempts to acknowledge and repair, they will remain so.
Such an isolated population is the most easy to control and manipulate. What if this was also one of the intended outcomes?
On the other hand… I note there have been some surprising and also good outcomes. Such outcomes (which I am guessing) were not anticipated or desired by those behind the scenes – engineering the “pandemic.” Among the most noticeable is the fact that a large number of people woke up in many different ways. As we began to awaken, we started to see the dysfunction and corruption in those public institutions so many of us had so blindly placed our trust in and come to rely on – and we began to demand better with greater accountability.
This period of time saw a huge increase in home schooling which, I believe, had a definite benefit. While isolating the children had an indisputable negative impact socially, it did awaken many parents to the damaging rubbish being pushed on their children in the name of education. Parents began getting much more involved at school-board meetings and in local government demanding better for their children. They also began adamantly insisting they be kept informed and involved with what is being included in their child's curriculum at school.
During this time people began to wake-up to the far greater depths of corruption present in our system of government and how very little attention governments pay to the will of the people. For many of us, this helped emphasize that while we await God’s Kingdom, “on earth as it is in Heaven,” we do have principles given to us, by our Creator, which will help us govern ourselves as we attempt daily to maintain order amid the threatening chaos. We also must realize that any attempt to govern rightly without God is doomed to failure due to the inevitable corruption.
During this time there was a great shaking within the churches. I believe this has had the effect of waking up many sleepwalking Christians. It has also served, I think, to knock large numbers off the fence they’ve been sitting on. With all this happening and people becoming more aware of the weirdness of the times we’re in, I believe we could very well be seeing the beginnings of revival… I certainly hope so! …What if?