Monday, April 6, 2020

What if...

As I write this, we are in the midst of a serious, world-wide pandemic… I mean, is this not what we are hearing from every source to which we happen to turn? Facts are facts – or are they? Who or what determines what facts are reported and how they get used or interpreted? If we are to beat this thing, do we really need to set aside our rights, differences, values and personal beliefs; must we all act as one cooperative, coordinated world body? There couldn’t possibly be anything deliberately false or misleading in any of this - could there? What if there are sides, angles & dimensions to this story that are being kept distorted or even worse… misrepresented or deliberately withheld.

I don’t know about you, but I think it worthwhile to look carefully at any evidence I can find and question it all before I readily give away something that just may never be fully returned. You see, my freedom is just too important to give away. I am willing to be educated, listen to evidence and consent to acting cooperatively with our elected leaders by taking reasonable precautions or warranted measures to prevent the spread of disease. But I retain all my rights including the right to withdraw my consent and participation in any social contract or action which requires the continued surrender of my rights.

The more I read different accounts, explanations and predictions… the more I listen to different reports, the more I’m left wondering about the veracity of the information being fed to me. I am left wondering what questions one might want to ask if they briefly set their fear aside long enough to check the information for evidence. Is there any solid science behind it which is unbiased and makes sense? We know, for instance: 1. that the source of the virus was China and 2. That China lied repeatedly. That’s the starting point.

Officially we are being told that this particular Corona virus migrated from a type of bat. This is reported to have begun in Wuhan China (Ground Zero) with “Patient Zero.” Other stories about it originating in a Chinese lab were quickly “corrected” and officially denied. What if there happened to be truth in both stories… and what if there is even more, as yet kept silent, to be learned?

Chinese researches concluded the virus was almost identical to a variety found in Horseshoe Bats. Their research also noted that the closest colonies of such bats is more than 900 Km away and these bats were NOT being sold in the Wuhan wet market – nor are they consumed in Wuhan. However, when they screened the area around the seafood market, they identified two laboratories conducting research on bat coronavirus. Within 280 meters from the market is the Wuhan Center for Disease Control & Prevention. WHCDC hosted animals in laboratories for research purposes, one of which specializes in pathogen collection and identification. In one of their studies, 155 bats including “Rhinolophus affinis” (Horseshoe bat) were captured in Hubei province, and another 450 bats were captured in Zhejiang province.

The second laboratory was ~12 kilometres from the seafood market and belonged to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This laboratory reported that the Chinese horseshoe bats were natural reservoirs for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) which caused the 2002-3 pandemic. The principle investigator participated in a project which generated a chimeric virus using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system, and reported the potential for human emergence. A direct speculation was that SARS-CoV or its derivative might leak from the laboratory.

In summary, these Chinese researchers concluded:

1. Somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus.

2. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan.

3. Safety levels may need to be reinforced in high risk bio-hazardous laboratories.

4. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.

It is worthy of note that there are reports of viruses already having leaked from these labs in the past – including the SARS viruses – twice!

The following links are offered in evidence to the above reports regarding a bat source of the outbreak:

So do we know who Patient zero is…or for that matter if there even is a single patient zero? Quoting from a BBC article:

Do we know who patient zero is in the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak that started in China? The short answer is – no.

Chinese authorities originally reported that the first coronavirus case was on 31 December and many of the first cases of the pneumonia-like infection were immediately connected to a seafood and animal market in Wuhan, in the Hubei province…

However, a study, by Chinese researchers published in the Lancet medical journal, claimed the first person to be diagnosed with Covid-19, was on 1 December 2019 (a lot earlier than reported by Chinese authorities) and that person had "no contact" with the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.”

What if the current outbreak is from one or both of those labs studying this strain of pathogen? What if the reason the Chinese were so quickly able to determine the causative virus was because they already knew where it likely came from and already had information on it from their ongoing studies? What if their insistence for proposing it all came from Patient zero at a nearby market, and all their subsequent actions were part of a cover-up - all to give them plausible deniability?

As I look at the overwhelming impact of this outbreak with all the subsequent chains of events that followed the “accident,” I am left to wonder what if at least some – and perhaps all, of this is by design and not by accident. What if some of the tragic outcomes are the result of some cold calculations - not because of faulty decision making. What if what we see happening (in real time) is exactly what the models predicted would happen once this thing got out… or released? Might it have been?

Why might anyone (such as myself) even be considering all this as a possibility?

Suppose, for a moment, it’s still the spring of 2019 and nobody yet has heard of Covid-19. Suppose someone or something wanted to shutdown thriving independent free-market economies and eliminate all individual autonomy and freedom bringing everything under complete state control. Further - suppose the idea was to weaken all nation states and have them submit to a single controlling entity or body. Sounds like a kids cartoon or even some mad scientist plot to control and rule the world. Let’s make it even more ridiculous… suppose, you wanted to gain all this power and control by having the people and nations willingly give up their freedom and jobs without any exchange of gunfire or even hostilities. Yep, now it’s sounding like a badly written movie!

You’d never accomplish anything like this scenario… the people would never stand for it. We’ve got the best armed forces in the world with all the latest equipment ready to protect us, our way of life and our freedoms – right? Right!

Obviously if such an idea existed, one would have to eliminate a physical confrontation/battle as a course of action and therefore the approach would have to be more mental/psychological. One would have to overcome the desire and will of the people to resist the attempt to take away their freedom, independence and livelihood. If you could do all that, their armed forces and equipment become irrelevant and may even ultimately be used to further this agenda.

Now move forward one year to today. The picture looks eerily like the made-up one we just dismissed about one year ago. We don’t have one body yet controlling all nation states – but there seems to be an ever increasing push toward it and along with that, a push to a single global currency.

People seem largely convinced that the UN is a good thing – after-all it was set up for keeping world peace. Yet looking at the reality, the UN seems involved in lots of things except keeping the peace – they don’t do that very well at all! Their committees on human rights are often dominated by members that have the worst human rights records. They do very little to actually promote human rights. The security councils do nothing to keep the world secure – they’re more of a joke. What they seem to be more interested in, is things like global population redistribution, global resource management, and global wealth redistribution. Are they actually looking forward to taking over various areas, national government sovereignty, and constitutionally guaranteed rights? Is this really their agenda - or is this just a coincidence and it only looks this way?

Wow. To accomplish all this without using any force would require a population that is largely willing to go along with such a plan. They’d have to see it as their only option to a problem – a crisis of such terrible consequence that their own safety was at stake. They’d have to be willing to trade everything for a promise of greater security and see it as the only way. You’d have to gin up a whole lot of fear AND it couldn’t be based on rumour alone – there’d have to be a certain underlying degree of fact. With a few facts in place, results and outcomes could be exaggerated and the fear factor built. With the right kind and amount of propaganda, you would not have to convince everyone or all the leaders. You would only have to convince/frighten a significant enough portion of the population to create growing unrest (in the animal world this would be known as a stampede). Once the stampede begins reason largely goes out the window.

What if… what if the way things are right now – the way they look – is exactly the way things are supposed to look in order to accomplish some task that is yet to be disclosed? I’m skeptical about everything I’m hearing on this topic these days. I’m not saying all this is the case – I don’t know. But, what if it is?